7 de febrero de 2014

Evolutionism Vs. creationism: A debate

bill nye ken ham creationism evolutionism debate

Bill Nye (aka The Science Guy), famous science educator and evolutionist debates Ken Ham, Young Earth creationist and Christian apologist. I highly recommend it in spite of its length, it's worth watching it!

Thanks to this interesting debate I learned about the Young Earth Creationism, which mantains Earth is around 6,000 years old, and the Creation Museum in Kentucky, founded by this "Answers in Genesis" (AiG) Christian ministry. It has so many gems like these displays I quote from Wikipedia:

"After leaving a corridor [with existentialist questions such as "Am I alone?", and "Why do I suffer?", paired with illustrations of human conflict and suffering.], visitors enter a room designed to resemble a decaying urban alley full of graffiti and littered with newspaper clippings about the legalization of abortion, same-sex marriage, and euthanasia. An accompanying placard concludes: "Scripture abandoned in the culture leads to... relative morality, hopelessness and meaninglessness."
In the final room (...), video screens depict the purported results of abandoning a literal interpretation of the Bible. In one, a teenage girl is on the phone with an abortion clinic. In another, a teenage boy rolls a marijuana joint while looking at pornography on a computer screen. In the center of the room, a wrecking ball labeled "Millions of Years" damages the foundation of a church. Nearby sits a wheelbarrow full of bricks meant to symbolize the reparative work of AiG."

Also, at this museum there are several representations of dinosaurs and a display showing an ancient human coexisting peacefully with vegetarian Tyrannosaurus.

To-ma ya.